About a year ago, I started going to a new church and I knew God was calling me to this church. On one of my very first Sundays at the church their student ministry was doing Disciple Now. As I sat in "big church" I saw all the students in their cute little matching t-shirt, worshiping the Jesus they had encountered and it hit me: this was my first year in a long time that I wasn't helping out with DNow. It reminded me so much of the time spent teaching, worshiping, and loving on "my girls." And I cried all through that service! (Lame, I know)
Fast forward a year: This past Sunday I sat in "big church" surrounded by students in cute matching t-shirts, worshiping the Jesus WE encountered! Then it hit me, that is sweet victory in my life! I spent the weekend loving on a group of 9th grade girls and it was somewhat bittersweet. Bitter in that it reminded me of my time with "my girls" through out the years (I miss them) and oh so sweet in that I have the opportunity to pour into another group of girls!
God has been teaching me a lot as I read through the life of Joseph. The timing is just so God! I have read and learned about Joseph many times before! But now it's different. Now it's personal. Now I can see myself in his story.
As you know, Joseph's life was full of opposition and waiting. However, at every stage in his life he trusted and honored God in everything. He often found himself imprisoned (both figuratively and literally). No matter what he waited and trusted the Lord. Time after time, he found favor with those others. Ultimately, he becomes the second highest in all of Egypt, he is reunited and reconciled with his family, and his faithfulness blesses his family for generations.
Let it be known, I am in no way saying that I am as faithful as Joseph. Quite the opposite actually. Over the last year and half I have walked through a lot of transition and "imprisonment" (figuratively of course). As I read the story of Joseph, I saw ways I fell short in those times. Mainly, I questioned everything. I was not faithful in my walk with Christ.
Four lessons I have learned from this mighty man of God: (I am sure God is still giong to show me more!)
1. Joseph didn't choose his circumstances but he chose to honor God through them.
2. He had several years of waiting. Waiting is not passive! He continued to seek God in that time and he still had a deep connection with God in that time. (the evidence of that is that he was still able to interpret dreams)
3. He couldn't live in his past victories. When he was sold into slavery, he couldn't live in the favor he had with his father. When he was thrown into prison by Potiphar, he couldn't live in the favor he once had with Potiphar. When he was waiting in prison in hopes of someone keeping their promise, he couldn't live in the favor he had with the prison guards. He never settled for past victories but was always striving to honor God! And at every stage God blessed him for his faithfulness.
4. His faithfulness ALWAYS blessed others.
I could spend a long time talking about how I have not followed Joseph's example. But I am learning. This weekend just solidified these lessons in so many ways. There are BIG victories I am claiming! I know God has a plan and a desire to use my life to make a difference. My job is just to remain faithful with each step of the journey!
First DNow with "my girls". Man they have grown up!
And "my girls" from this weekend! Exciting times ahead!