Friday, November 18, 2011

Taming the Tongue and the Mind

Once again, it has been a long time since I have blogged. It has been a very busy fall! It usually takes at least the first nine weeks of school for it to settle down and this year has been no different.

The school year has started off well. I am teaching math and science (and social studies sometimes). I have two great classes and enjoy my time with them! They are sweet, most of the time. I love team teaching and over the last few weeks I have seen the benefits in the amount of time it saves to just plan these subjects.

God has been doing a tremendous work in me over the last few months. He has truly blessed me! I have been blessed with some new friendships and new ministry areas. I have jumped back in to student ministry after a year off and I am loving my group of 9th grade girls. I look forward to what God has in store for us as we do life together.

God has been driving a few key things home with me lately and giving me a lot of practical application. The biggest thing He has been showing me is that I am very susceptible to believing the lies of the enemy. This is almost a minute by minute struggle for me. I guess it always has been; God is just showing me specific moments when it happens. These lies have proven to be crippling at times. They revolve around friendships, family, self-worth, loneliness and other things. There are so many ways satan attacks.

I have certainly not perfected the art of fighting these lies! However, God has really shown me that it is about knowing the truth to fight off the lies. If I know the truth, then I can tell the difference between the two and I can speak truth into the situation. Also, He is really teaching me to take my thoughts captive. That is such a deliberate step in the process and so very important.

So as I hear these lies, I have a choice. I can dwell on them and make them my own, which leads to destruction in one way or another. Or I can speak the name of Jesus, speak the Truth, take my thoughts captive. It is a constant struggle but God is teaching me so much about recognizing and fighting off the lies!

God has also been showing me how much my speech affects my witness. Anyone who knows me knows I am sarcastic to the max. That has gotten me in trouble for years! My filtration system has improved a lot over the years but still fails some times. However, what God has been showing me is that it has less to do with what I say and more to do with how I say it. God wants my gentleness to be evident to all. He is showing me that how I speak to people can either open or close the door of opportunity to witness or minister in their lives.

The verse He has really been driving home for me is Colossians 4:5-6 "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Am I making the most of every opportunity? Is my conversation always full of grace? My life must constantly be about pointing people to Christ. I fall so short in that area but it is the desire of my heart! No matter how stressed or busy I am, I want to make the most of every opportunity. Man that is tough but I am a work in progress and God is so faithful!

So my ramblings are, once again, just that. I am excited about where God is leading me and the plan He has for me, even when I am unsure of what it looks like!